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Author: vbvlawgroup

Who’s at Fault in a Rear End Collision in California?

Rear End Collision, VBV Law Group Can Help

Rear-End Collisions: 10 Things to Factor in When Determining Fault! When a rear-end collision occurs, it's not always the rear driver who is at fault. Sometimes, the lead driver or other factors may contribute to the accident. Let's explore some common questions about rear-end collisions.   1. Who is at Fault in a Rear-End Collision? Typically, the rear driver is deemed at fault. However, other factors can cause these accidents, such as the lead driver, another vehicle, a pedestrian, or poor road conditions.   2. What is Negligence? Negligence, a common claim in car accident lawsuits, involves three elements: duty of care, breach of that duty, and causation...

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Who’s at Fault: Merge Accidents in California?

Understanding Merge Lane Accidents: A Guide for California Drivers What Factors that Determine Liability in a Merge Lane Accident Navigating merge lanes, whether onto a freeway or out of a closing lane, presents challenges for drivers. Accidents can happen when caution is overlooked. Determining fault in such collisions isn't always straightforward. If you've been injured in a merge lane accident and believe it's the other driver's fault, seeking legal assistance may help you recover compensation for damages. Here, we explore the factors considered in assigning liability for merge lane accidents.   Determining Right of Way for Merge Accidents in California The primary consideration in a...

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Who’s at Fault: Determining Liability for Auto Accidents in California

Determining Liability for Auto Accidents in California

Determining liability In California, figuring out who's at fault in a car accident depends on the details of the incident. If any party involved caused the accident, they're considered "at fault."   Understanding Auto Accidents: Determining Liability in California!   The Impact of Car Accidents in California: Car accidents are a frequent occurrence in California, causing thousands of injuries and fatalities every year. The aftermath can lead to extensive medical bills, lost wages, and lasting disabilities. Families who lose loved ones not only suffer emotionally but also face financial strain.   Determining Liability: Navigating the Rules in California: Different rules determine fault in car accidents, and various parties...

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Road to Recovery: What to do After a Commercial Truck Accident in California?

Truck Accident

Accidents involving big trucks, like semis or 18-wheelers, are different from regular car crashes. Figuring out who's responsible can be tricky, and that's where a lawyer comes in handy. Even if the truck driver caused the accident, it might not be their fault! Sometimes it's the trucking company or even the company that made the truck's parts. Let's dive into understanding truck accident liability and what to do after one happens.   Understanding the Impact of Commercial Truck Accidents Most people will experience a car accident at some point, but when it comes to truck accidents, things can get a lot more serious....

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Steps to Justice: Understanding Pedestrian Accidents in California

Pedestrian Accidents, VBV Law Group, Expert Litigation In California .

As people who walk along California’s streets and sidewalks, we depend on staying safe. But sometimes, pedestrian accidents happen, causing serious injuries and legal issues. Knowing the legal rights of pedestrians is super important for both walkers and drivers.    In this article, we'll dive into the legal side of pedestrian accidents in California, talking about who's responsible, what causes these accidents, and the rights that pedestrians have.   Pedestrian Accidents: The Right-of-Way When walking, pedestrians have certain rights, especially at marked crosswalks or unmarked intersections. Drivers must let pedestrians cross in these places.   Driver Negligence & Pedestrian Accident Claims: Drivers need to be careful when driving....

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Who’s at Fault: Right Turn Accident in California

Right Turn Accident Who's at Fault? Ask VBV Law Group

Right turn accidents are common in California. When navigating through traffic, making right turns is a routine part of driving. However, many accidents occur during right turns because drivers may overlook pedestrians or miscalculate the speed of oncoming vehicles. These incidents often happen due to split-second decisions or momentary lapses in attention.   Who Has the Right-of-Way in Right Turn Accidents? In California, understanding who had the right-of-way is crucial in determining fault. Generally, vehicles already on the road have the right-of-way over those making right turns, unless they are required to stop by signs or signals. Failing to yield to oncoming traffic...

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Riding Safely: Who’s at fault for a Motorcycle Accident in California?

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Understanding California's "Percentage of Fault" Laws for Motorcycle Accidents Motorcycle riders share the roads with other vehicles, and just like car drivers, they have rights and responsibilities. However, some laws in California treat motorcycles differently. While motorcyclists can do things like lane splitting, it can sometimes lead to serious accidents.   California Civil Code and Comparative Fault Rules for Motorcycle Accidents When a motorcycle rider is in an accident, they can seek compensation from the responsible party through a lawyer. But often, both the rider and the other party share some blame. For example, maybe the rider made an illegal turn, but the other...

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Bike Accidents in California: Riding into Legal Clarity

bike accidents and what to do?

Bicycling offers numerous benefits, including improving health and reducing environmental impact. California, with its warm weather year-round, boasts one of the nation's largest populations of bike riders. However, bike accidents have become more common. In 2020, bike fatalities reached a 25-year high in California, according to a U.S. News and World Report article.   What You Need to Know About Bicycle Accidents in California?   Bike crashes on public roads involve various factors, with collisions between bikes and vehicles being the most common. Here are six common causes of bicycle accidents:   Distracted Driving: This occurs when drivers take their hands off the wheel, eyes...

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California Personal Injury Claim: How to Find the Best Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in California

YOU NEED TO HIRE THE BEST MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT LAWYER FOR YOUR CASE Navigating the aftermath of a motorcycle accident can be overwhelming, and choosing the right legal representation is crucial. If you've experienced a motorcycle accident involving another vehicle, time is of the essence. Finding the best motorcycle accident lawyer in California is essential to secure the legal advantage you need for a successful case.   A significant number of motorcycle accidents result from cars and trucks violating the motorcyclist's right of way. In such cases, the other driver could be held responsible for injuries and damages. To ensure you receive the compensation...

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Legal Representation: Why You Need a Good Car Accident Lawyer in California

Legal Representation: VBV Law Group

Legal Representation: Navigating a car accident aftermath in California can be complex, and having a car accident lawyer is crucial. They are legal professionals who help you understand and navigate the legal aspects of your case. From dealing with insurance companies to understanding fault laws in California, a good lawyer provides valuable assistance.    Attorneys play a key role in settlement negotiations, legal representation will ensure you receive fair compensation for damages. In California, car accident lawyers often work on a contingency basis, meaning they only get paid if they win your case. With their expertise, a lawyer becomes a necessary ally,...

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